

These are Minibuffer "commands" that may be executed by typing M-x command-name or keys may be bound to them.

See also


static void SwitchToBuffer ([Prompt("Buffer: ", completer="buffer")] IBuffer buffer)
 Command switch-to-buffer: Switch to one of the existing buffers. More...
static void ListBuffers ()
 Command list-buffers: List existing buffers. More...
static void CopyToClipboard ([Current] IBuffer b)
 Command copy-buffer-to-clipboard: Copy the contents of the current buffer to the clipboard. More...
static void Save ([Current] IBuffer b)
 Command save-buffer: Save the current buffer to a file. More...
static void Kill ([Prompt("Kill buffer: ", completer="buffer")] IBuffer b)
 Command kill-buffer: Kill a buffer. More...
void ForwardChar ([Current] InputField inputField)
 Command forward-char: Move cursor forward one character
void BackwardChar ([Current] InputField inputField)
 Command backward-char: Move cursor backward one character
void Copy ([Current] InputField inputField)
 Command kill-ring-save: Copy what is in the selection
void Paste ([Current] InputField inputField)
 Command yank: Paste what is in the clipboard
void BackwardWord ([Current] InputField inputField)
 Command backward-word: Move cursor backword one word
void BackwardKillWord ([Current] InputField inputField)
 Command backward-kill-word: Delete backward one word
void KillWord ([Current] InputField inputField)
 Command kill-word: Kill one word
void Cut ([Current] InputField inputField)
 Command kill-selection: Cut the selection to the clipboard
void ForwardWord ([Current] InputField inputField)
 Command forward-word: Move forward one word
void MoveDown ([Current] InputField input)
 Command next-line: Go to the next line
void SelectAll ([Current] InputField inputField)
 Command mark-whole-buffer: Select all
void StartSelect ([Current] InputField inputField)
 Command set-mark-command: Start selection here
void EndOfBuffer ([Current] InputField inputField)
 Command end-of-buffer: Move to end of buffer
void MyBackspace ([Current] InputField inputField)
 Command delete-backward-char: Delete the previous character
void MoveBeginningOfLine ([Current] InputField inputField)
 Command move-beginning-of-line: Move to beginning of line
void KillLine ([Current] InputField inputField)
 Command kill-line: Cut the line from cursor to end of line
void InsertSpace ([Current] InputField inputField)
 Command insert-space: Inserts a space. More...
void QuotedInsert ()
 Command quoted-insert: Insert the next char verbatim. More...
void MoveUp ([Current] InputField inputField)
 Command previous-line: Go to the previous line
void MoveEndOfLine ([Current] InputField inputField)
 Command move-end-of-line: Move to end of line
void DeleteChar ([Current] InputField inputField)
 Command delete-char: Delete the forward character
static void DeselectAll ([Current] InputField inputField)
void DescribeVariable ([Prompt("Describe variable: ", completions=new string[]{"*all*","*user*"}, completer ="variable")] string name)
 Command describe-variable: Show type, class, and description for a variable. More...
void DescribeGroups ()
 Command describe-groups
void DescribeUserBindings ([UniversalArgument] bool hideDisabled, string prefix=null)
 Command describe-user-bindings: Show key bindings (C-u to hide disabled keymaps)
void DescribeBindings ([UniversalArgument] bool hideDisabled, string prefix=null, Func< CommandInfo, bool > whereClause=null)
 Command describe-bindings: Show key bindings (C-u to hide disabled keymaps)
void DescribeBindingsByPrefix ([UniversalArgument] bool hideDisabled)
 Command describe-bindings-by-prefix: Show key bindings by prefix
void DescribeFunction ([Prompt("Describe command: ", completions=new string[]{"*all*","*user*"}, completer="command")] string command)
 Command describe-command: Show method, class, and keybindings for command. More...
void DescribeHistory ()
 Command describe-history: Show all the histories
void DescribeCommands ([UniversalArgument] bool userOnly)
 Command describe-commands: Show all the commands organized by class
void DescribeCompleters ()
 Command describe-completers: Show all the completers
void HelpForHelp ()
 Command help-for-help: Show the master help page
void DescribeLicense ()
 Command describe-license: Show the license for minibuffer
void HelpWithTutorial ()
 Command help-with-tutorial: Show the tutorial
void DescribeKey ([Prompt("Describe key: ", filler="keybinding", requireMatch=false)] string key)
 Command describe-key: Reports what command is run for a key sequence
void DisplayUniversalArgument ([UniversalArgument] int prefix, [UniversalArgument] bool boolPrefix)
 Command display-universal-argument: Displays the universal-argument as integer and bool. More...
void TestCompleter ()
 Command test-completer
void TestCompleterForType ()
 Command test-completer-for-type
void TestCompleterGeneric ()
 Command test-completer-generic
string TestExpression ()
void StartMacro ()
 Command start-macro: Start keyboard macro recording. More...
void EndMacro (bool showWarning=true)
 Command end-macro: Stop a keyboard macro recording. More...
void EndAndCallMacro (KeyboardMacro macro=null)
 Command end-and-call-macro: Stop a keyboard macro recording and execute it. More...
string PauseMacro ()
void StepMacro ()
 Command step-macro
IEnumerator RetimeMacro (KeyboardMacro macro, string newMacroName)
 Command retime-macro
void NameLastMacro ([Prompt("Name for last macro: ")] string name)
 Command : Name the last macro as a new command. More...
void ShowMacros ()
 Command show-macros: Show macros in a buffer. More...
string SelectVariable ([Prompt("Select integer variable: ", completer="variable-int")] string variableName)
 Command select-variable: Select an integer variable for M-x increment and M-x decrement to use. More...
void Increment ([UniversalArgument] int?amount, string variableName=null)
 Command increment: Increment the current integer variable by 1 (C-u to change). More...
void Decrement ([UniversalArgument] int?amount, string variableName=null)
 Command decrement: Decrement the current integer variable by 1 (C-u to change). More...
static void URL ([Prompt("URL: ", history="url")] string url)
 Command open-url: Open a URL using the OS facilities. More...
static void BufferAsURL ([Current] IBuffer b)
 Command open-buffer-in-text-editor: Write current buffer to a temp file then open it. More...
static void Path ([Prompt("Path: ", completer="file", input="$data/")] string path)
 Command open-path: Open a given path using the OS facilities. More...
static void BufferAsHtmlURL ([Current] IBuffer b, [UniversalArgument] bool dontMarkdown)
 Command open-buffer-in-browser: Show current buffer as HTML. More...
void TogglePowerMode ()
 Command power-mode: Make typing fun again. More...
IEnumerator PlayerPiano (string input)
 Command player-piano: The given string will be 'played' back as if typed
IEnumerator SwitchToScene ([Prompt("Scene: ", completer="Scene")] string scene)
 Command switch-to-scene: Load a scene. More...
void ShowConsole (bool interactive=true)
 Command show-console: Show Unity's Console log. More...
void ToggleConsoleLogging ()
 Command toggle-console-logging: Toggle Unity's Console logging. More...
IEnumerator CaptureScreenshot (bool quiet=false)
 Command capture-screenshot: Save screenshot to selected directory
void DescribeScene ([UniversalArgument] bool includeComponents)
 Command describe-scene: Show game object hierarchy of scene. More...
void DescribeGameObject ([Prompt( completions=new[]{"*scene*"}, completer="GameObject", requireCoerce=false)] PromptResult< GameObject > pr)
 Command describe-game-object: Show a game object's components and children. More...
string ToggleGameObject ([Prompt("Toggle GameObject: ", history="GameObject", requireMatch=true)] GameObject go)
 Command toggle-game-object: Toggle a game object to (in)active. More...
void PlayerPrefsDelete ()
 Command player-prefs-delete: Delete the player preferences. More...
IEnumerator SceneReload ()
 Command scene-reload: Reload the current scene
void GameQuit ()
 Command game-quit: Quit the game. More...
void ToggleBooleans (object ofObject=null, Action onQuit=null)
 Command toggle-booleans: Toggle boolean variables. More...
void EditVariable ([Prompt("Edit variable: ", completer="variable")] string name)
 Command edit-variable: Edit a variable. More...
void ToggleFilters7 (Action onQuit=null)
 Command toggle-completer-booleans: Toggle the booleans of the current completer
static Vector2 MakeVector2 (float x, float y)
 Command make-vector2
static Vector3 MakeVector3 (float x, float y, float z)
 Command make-vector3
static Vector4 MakeVector4 (float x, float y, float z, float w)
 Command make-vector4
static Quaternion MakeQuaternion (float angleInDegrees, Vector3 axis)
 Command make-quaternion
static void BindKey (List< string > keyAccum=null)
 Command bind-key: Bind a key to a command More...
static void UnbindKey ([Prompt("Unbind key: ", filler="keybinding")] string keyBinding)
 Command unbind-key: Unbind a key from a command
void ExecuteUserCommand ()
 Command execute-user-command: Executes a command; does not show system commands. More...
bool TryMinibufferExit ()
 Command minibuffer-exit: Exit from minibuffer editing. More...
void MinibufferAbort ()
 Command minibuffer-abort: Aborts from minibuffer editing. More...
void TabComplete ()
 Command minibuffer-complete: Tab complete or show available completions
void KeyboardQuit ()
 Command keyboard-quit: Quit the current operation; two quits will hide minibuffer. More...
void UniversalArgumentCommand (List< string > keyAccum=null)
 Command universal-argument: Pass a numerical or boolean argument to next command. More...
void ToggleVisibility ([UniversalArgument] bool animate)
 Command toggle-visibility: Toggle minibuffer visibility. More...
void RepeatLastCommand ([UniversalArgument] int count)
 Command repeat-last-command: Repeat the last command
void CopyBufferOrPrompt ()
 Command copy-buffer-or-prompt: Copy buffer or input prompt depending. More...
static void Noop ()
 Command noop: No Operation (noop) does nothing. More...
*static string ShowVersion ([UniversalArgument] bool verbose)
 Command version /*, subcommand = "minibuffer"
void ScrollToTop ()
 Command window-scroll-to-top: Scroll to top in active window
void ScrollToBottom ()
 Command window-scroll-to-bottom: Scroll to bottom in active window
void ScrollUp ()
 Command window-scroll-up: Scroll up in the active window. More...
void ScrollDown ()
 Command window-scroll-down: Scroll down in the active window. More...
void ScrollRight ()
 Command window-scroll-right: Scroll right in the active window. More...
void ScrollLeft ()
 Command window-scroll-left: Scroll left in the active window. More...
void FullsizeWindow ()
 Command window-fullsize: Make main window fullsize
void HalfsizeWindow ()
 Command window-halfsize: Make main window halfsize
void SplitWindowRight ()
 Command window-split-right: Make main window halfsize
void WindowHide ()
 Command window-hide: Make main window hidden
void ToggleTextWrap ()
 Command toggle-text-wrap: Wrap text or not in main window. More...
IEnumerator AutoScroll ()
 Command auto-scroll: Scroll down automatically
void ScreenshotCommand ([Prompt("SVG target object: ", history="gameobject-svg")] GameObject go)
 Command svg-screenshot: Render a target object to an SVG file. More...
IEnumerator PermitTweets ([Current] Minibuffer m)
 Command twitter-authorize: Authorize through twitter. More...
string TwitterWhoAmI ()
 Command : What account is authorized?
IEnumerator Tweet ([Prompt("Message: ")] string message)
 Command : Tweet a message. More...
IEnumerator TweetScreenshot ([Prompt("Screenshot message: ")] string message, [UniversalArgument] bool useLastScreenshot)
 Command : Tweet a screenshot. More...
IEnumerator TweetGIF ([Prompt("GIF message: ")] string message, [UniversalArgument] bool useLastGIF)
 Command : Tweet a GIF. More...
IEnumerator TweetWithMedia ([Prompt("Message: ")] string message, [Prompt("Media: ", completer="file")] string filename)
 Command : Tweet a message with a media file. More...
void DeleteAccessInfo ()
 Command twitter-preferences-delete: Delete twitter authorization information. More...
string GIFRecord ()
 Command gif-record: Start recording a GIF. More...
IEnumerator GIFStop ()
 Command gif-stop: Stop recording a GIF and encode it. More...
string GIFCancel ()
 Command gif-cancel: Cancel GIF recording. More...

Auto complete popup

Manipulates the auto complete popup state

void NextElement ()
 Command next-element: Select the next element in autocomplete popup
void PreviousElement ()
 Command previous-element: Select the previous element in autocomplete popup
void UseElement ()
 Command use-element: Insert the current completion into minibuffer. More...


void HistoryNext ()
 Command history-next: Save current input; show next item in history. More...
void HistoryPrevious ()
 Command history-previous: Save current input; show previous item in history. More...
void HistoryClear ()
 Command history-clear: Clear the history. More...

Command Documentation

static void SwitchToBuffer ( [Prompt("Buffer: ", completer = "buffer")] IBuffer  buffer)

Command switch-to-buffer: Switch to one of the existing buffers.

static void ListBuffers ( )

Command list-buffers: List existing buffers.

static void CopyToClipboard ( [Current] IBuffer  b)

Command copy-buffer-to-clipboard: Copy the contents of the current buffer to the clipboard.

static void Save ( [Current] IBuffer  b)

Command save-buffer: Save the current buffer to a file.

static void Kill ( [Prompt("Kill buffer: ", completer = "buffer")] IBuffer  b)

Command kill-buffer: Kill a buffer.

void InsertSpace ( [Current] InputField  inputField)

Command insert-space: Inserts a space.

Special case.

void QuotedInsert ( )

Command quoted-insert: Insert the next char verbatim.

void DescribeVariable ( [Prompt("Describe variable: ", completions = new string[] {"*all*","*user*"}  ,
completer  = "variable" 

Command describe-variable: Show type, class, and description for a variable.

void DescribeFunction ( [Prompt("Describe command: ", completions = new string[] {"*all*","*user*"}  ,
completer  = "command" 

Command describe-command: Show method, class, and keybindings for command.

void DisplayUniversalArgument ( [UniversalArgument] int  prefix,
[UniversalArgument] bool  boolPrefix 

Command display-universal-argument: Displays the universal-argument as integer and bool.

See also
void StartMacro ( )

Command start-macro: Start keyboard macro recording.

void EndMacro ( bool  showWarning = true)

Command end-macro: Stop a keyboard macro recording.

void EndAndCallMacro ( KeyboardMacro  macro = null)

Command end-and-call-macro: Stop a keyboard macro recording and execute it.

If next key is 'e', play the same macro again.

void NameLastMacro ( [Prompt("Name for last macro: ")] string  name)

Command : Name the last macro as a new command.

void ShowMacros ( )

Command show-macros: Show macros in a buffer.

string SelectVariable ( [Prompt("Select integer variable: ", completer = "variable-int")] string  variableName)

Command select-variable: Select an integer variable for M-x increment and M-x decrement to use.

void Increment ( [UniversalArgument] int?  amount,
string  variableName = null 

Command increment: Increment the current integer variable by 1 (C-u to change).

Will ask for a variable if one is not already selected. See also SelectVariable().

void Decrement ( [UniversalArgument] int?  amount,
string  variableName = null 

Command decrement: Decrement the current integer variable by 1 (C-u to change).

Will ask for a variable if one is not already selected. See also SelectVariable().

static void URL ( [Prompt("URL: ", history = "url")] string  url)

Command open-url: Open a URL using the OS facilities.

static void BufferAsURL ( [Current] IBuffer  b)

Command open-buffer-in-text-editor: Write current buffer to a temp file then open it.

static void Path ( [Prompt("Path: ", completer = "file", input = "$data/")] string  path)

Command open-path: Open a given path using the OS facilities.

Substitutions $data, $temp, $assets, and $streaming are available.

static void BufferAsHtmlURL ( [Current] IBuffer  b,
[UniversalArgument] bool  dontMarkdown 

Command open-buffer-in-browser: Show current buffer as HTML.

Buffer is treated as Markdown unless C-u is used.

void TogglePowerMode ( )

Command power-mode: Make typing fun again.

IEnumerator SwitchToScene ( [Prompt("Scene: ", completer = "Scene")] string  scene)

Command switch-to-scene: Load a scene.

void ShowConsole ( bool  interactive = true)

Command show-console: Show Unity's Console log.

void ToggleConsoleLogging ( )

Command toggle-console-logging: Toggle Unity's Console logging.

void DescribeScene ( [UniversalArgument] bool  includeComponents)

Command describe-scene: Show game object hierarchy of scene.

Use C-u to show components.

void DescribeGameObject ( [Prompt( completions = new [] {"*scene*"}  ,
completer  = "GameObject",
requireCoerce  = false 

Command describe-game-object: Show a game object's components and children.

string ToggleGameObject ( [Prompt("Toggle GameObject: ", history = "GameObject", requireMatch = true)] GameObject  go)

Command toggle-game-object: Toggle a game object to (in)active.

void PlayerPrefsDelete ( )

Command player-prefs-delete: Delete the player preferences.

Use with caution.

void GameQuit ( )

Command game-quit: Quit the game.

void ToggleBooleans ( object  ofObject = null,
Action  onQuit = null 

Command toggle-booleans: Toggle boolean variables.

Hit 'q' to quit, '1' to turn all on, '0' to turn all off, and '*' to invert all booleans. Toggle the boolean Variables of a given object.

void EditVariable ( [Prompt("Edit variable: ", completer = "variable")] string  name)

Command edit-variable: Edit a variable.

static void BindKey ( List< string >  keyAccum = null)

Command bind-key: Bind a key to a command

To do this programmatically, one can do the following.

GetKeymap("user")["C-c f"] = "foo-command";
void ExecuteUserCommand ( )

Command execute-user-command: Executes a command; does not show system commands.

bool TryMinibufferExit ( )

Command minibuffer-exit: Exit from minibuffer editing.

If matching is required and input is not a match, then use-element or minibuffer-complete will be called. If coercion or matching is required and not fulfilled, an error message will show. Return true if minibuffer can exit gracefully, false if minibuffer did not exit.

void MinibufferAbort ( )

Command minibuffer-abort: Aborts from minibuffer editing.

void UseElement ( )

Command use-element: Insert the current completion into minibuffer.

void KeyboardQuit ( )

Command keyboard-quit: Quit the current operation; two quits will hide minibuffer.

void UniversalArgumentCommand ( List< string >  keyAccum = null)

Command universal-argument: Pass a numerical or boolean argument to next command.

See also
void ToggleVisibility ( [UniversalArgument] bool  animate)

Command toggle-visibility: Toggle minibuffer visibility.

void HistoryNext ( )

Command history-next: Save current input; show next item in history.

void HistoryPrevious ( )

Command history-previous: Save current input; show previous item in history.

void HistoryClear ( )

Command history-clear: Clear the history.

void CopyBufferOrPrompt ( )

Command copy-buffer-or-prompt: Copy buffer or input prompt depending.

Copy the buffer if visible and not editing, otherwise copy the prompt

static void Noop ( )

Command noop: No Operation (noop) does nothing.

Good for ignoring certain keys.

void ScrollUp ( )

Command window-scroll-up: Scroll up in the active window.

void ScrollDown ( )

Command window-scroll-down: Scroll down in the active window.

void ScrollRight ( )

Command window-scroll-right: Scroll right in the active window.

void ScrollLeft ( )

Command window-scroll-left: Scroll left in the active window.

void ToggleTextWrap ( )

Command toggle-text-wrap: Wrap text or not in main window.

void ScreenshotCommand ( [Prompt("SVG target object: ", history = "gameobject-svg")] GameObject  go)

Command svg-screenshot: Render a target object to an SVG file.

IEnumerator PermitTweets ( [Current] Minibuffer  m)

Command twitter-authorize: Authorize through twitter.

IEnumerator Tweet ( [Prompt("Message: ")] string  message)

Command : Tweet a message.

IEnumerator TweetScreenshot ( [Prompt("Screenshot message: ")] string  message,
[UniversalArgument] bool  useLastScreenshot 

Command : Tweet a screenshot.

IEnumerator TweetGIF ( [Prompt("GIF message: ")] string  message,
[UniversalArgument] bool  useLastGIF 

Command : Tweet a GIF.

If used with C-u, tweet the last recorded GIF.

IEnumerator TweetWithMedia ( [Prompt("Message: ")] string  message,
[Prompt("Media: ", completer = "file")] string  filename 

Command : Tweet a message with a media file.

void DeleteAccessInfo ( )

Command twitter-preferences-delete: Delete twitter authorization information.

string GIFRecord ( )

Command gif-record: Start recording a GIF.

IEnumerator GIFStop ( )

Command gif-stop: Stop recording a GIF and encode it.

string GIFCancel ( )

Command gif-cancel: Cancel GIF recording.